Upon installing, running, or distributing this product you agree to be bound by the following legal terms and conditions set out in this license agreement ("AGREEMENT")... DEFINITIONS: "AUTHOR" - Richard Thompson, copyright holder of the software. "USER" - Anyone who installs, runs or distributes product. "DISTRIBUTOR" - Anyone who distributes the UNREGISTERED SHAREWARE (NOT REGISTERED) version of product. This can be either informally (e.g. passing a copy to a colleague) or distributing formally in some kind of archive (such as a CD-ROM compilation, shareware library or web site). Distributor is used interchangeably with "USER", since a USER can also be a distributor. "PRODUCT" - "Turbo Solve! Pro", specifically version 2.0. This refers to all files including documentation and third-party components. Note that "Turbo Solve! Pro" is marketed as a separate product to "Turbo Solve!" and hence, some details given in license agreements of previous versions of "Turbo Solve!" (e.g. upgrade prices) may be invalid for "Turbo Solve! Pro". 1) COPYRIGHT Product is copyrighted © 1997 - 1998 Richard Thompson. All rights reserved. "Turbo Solve!" and "Turbo Solve! Pro" are trademarks. 2) UNREGISTERED USE User may use an unlimited number of copies of product in unregistered form for an unlimited time but only for the purpose of evaluation. 3) DISTRIBUTION OF PRODUCT Distributor may (and is encouraged to) distribute the UNREGISTERED SHAREWARE VERSION providing EXACT copies of product are distributed. Distributor may not sell product for profit (a very low fee to cover handling costs is allowed) or accept donations of any kind. Distributor will make every possible effort to ensure the distribution media and files distributed are correct, not corrupted and virus-free. If distributor wishes to place product in any sort of archive (which is encouraged), distributor must make the effort to include a description of the program (preferably with screen shot if possible) or at very least list the type of program e.g. "Turbo Solve! Pro 2.0 - Word Puzzle Solving Program For Windows '95/NT" for the convenience of user. Distributor is advised that it is in their best interest to contact author before placing product in an archive, to ensure the latest version of product is being included. Author reserves the right to cease distribution or use of product at any time, with or without stating reason. 4) MODIFICATION/REVERSE ENGINEERING OF PRODUCT Under no circumstances will user add, remove, modify, disassemble, resource, recompile or create derivative works in whole or part of product without written permission from author. 5) REGISTRATION KEYS Author will provide a registration key to a user who registers product. User will receive their registration key by either post or e-mail. This allows user to use a registered copy of product. User may install and use a single copy of the registered version of product on only one individual PC at any given time. Registration keys are not transferable. User may not resell or distribute registration keys to others, distribute (or publicise) algorithms/programs capable of deriving registration keys or commit any other fraud relating to registration keys. 6) DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY THE PRODUCT IS PROVIDED "AS IS". AUTHOR PROVIDES NO WARRANTIES THAT PRODUCT IS FAULT FREE, PRODUCT WILL MEET USER REQUIREMENTS OR PRODUCT IS SUITED TO ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED. USER ACCEPTS ALL RISKS INVOLVED IN USING PRODUCT. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES WILL AUTHOR BE HELD RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY BUGS, LOSS OF DATA ETC. 7) THIRD PARTY LICENSED COMPONENTS Parts of product are © Microsoft Corp. Product encapsulates adapted parts of the WordNet database which is © Princeton University... "THE SOFTWARE AND DATABASE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND PRINCETON UNIVERSITY MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. BY WAY OF EXAMPLE, BUT NOT LIMITATION, PRINCETON UNIVERSITY MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR THAT THE USE OF THE LICENSED SOFTWARE, DATABASE OR DOCUMENTATION WILL NOT INFRINGE ANY THIRD PARTY PATENTS, COPYRIGHTS, TRADEMARKS OR OTHER RIGHTS." Princeton University (1995)